24 June at Capestang: The Canal du Midi Stopover Party!
On Sunday 24 June, against the backdrop of the Canal du Midi, a fete will be taking place all afternoon and into the evening alongside the port at Capestang.
The “Escale en Canal-Lirou” event celebrates the Canal du Midi, a UNESCO world heritage site, and includes children’s activites, farmers market, live music, theatre, and the chance to experience the Canal on an electric barge.
During the day there will be a guided tour of the Canal du Midi, to give visitors a greater understanding of this technical masterpiece. Children can also learn more about its creator, Paul Riquet, on a treasure hunt.
Robert Mornet will welcome visitors aboard his authentic ‘barque de poste’, a canal boat he built himself using original plans from the 19th century. This mode of transport, widely used in the 18th and 19th century, gives a real insight into the history of the canal. More modern, but just as fun, electrically powered barges will be accessible to the public free of charge.
From 17h00, the banks of the Canal will transform into a local farmers market. Visitors can enjoy many local products alongside a procession by the Chevaliers-Vignerons de Saint Christophe de Puisserguier.
At 19h00 the evening continues with live music from ‘La Meute Rieuse’ and will end at 21h00 with a piece of theatre “Les vivants et les morts” performed by the local Canal-Lirou group for amateur dramatics.
A detailed program of the days events is available on the website www.cc-canal-lirou.fr
Admission is free of charge, but reservation for some events is strongly recommended. Contact the Canal du Midi Tourist office on 04 67 37 85 29 accueil@tourismecanaldumidi.fr